Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Nine Principles of Spiritual Recovery


Part of living a human life is experiencing pain and suffering.  These experiences include such things as trauma, loss, addiction, injury, illness, and similarly painful experiences.  Through painful experiences, we often learn more about ourselves, and become aware of our essence, our nature as spiritual human beings.  We also often learn how to better understand and appreciate the joy that comes from this human life experience. 

The Nine Principles of Spiritual Recovery are a set of ideas for healing from any life crisis that one may experience.  These principles are simple, and easy to understand and use to improve the quality of one's life.   They do not constitute a set of "steps" as one might find in more traditional "self-help" approaches, but rather a set of basic principles helpful in addressing the needs that people who have experienced pain and suffering usually have for "recovering" - or getting back - the things that they may have lost as a result of their painful experience.  Those things include, among other things, self-love, self-esteem, self-worth, self-confidence, relationships with others, a relationship with the all of Creation, a sense of life purpose or meaning, and a sense of the world being a just and fair place in which to live.

The purpose of this blog is to introduce you to the Nine Principles of Spiritual Recovery and explain what they mean and how you might use them to "recover" from any life problem that you have experienced.

The form of these principles came to me as an intuition (more on that process later).  Since the time I received this information, I have been working to understand it, refine it, organize it, and prepare it for presentation and distribution.  The project is a work-in-progress, as is life!  My hope is that you find the information useful, and helpful.

Until next time, peace be with you!

K.C. Sanborn