Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Nine Principles of Spiritual Recovery

To those of you who have been following the progress of this project, welcome back!  For those of you who may be joining us for the first time, welcome!  

In beginning this entry, I want to first say that anything I write could (or should) be prefaced with the phrase “I believe that” since, as I have written previously, I am not certain that I “know” anything for certain.  If that phrase does not expressly begin most of the statements I make, it is certainly inferred.  I also want to reiterate what I believe The Source of the information about the Nine Principles of Spiritual Recovery to be.  I believe that Spirit Itself, known by any number of names, including Infinite Intelligence, The Creative Principal, The Universal Life Force, The One Absolute Reality, God, THAT, The Collective Consciousness, etc., is The Source, and that Its information often comes in the form of intuition.  By “intuition” I am talking about the means by which The Source communicates the information to any one of us as a human being, who is by her or his nature limited in terms of sensory perception.  For me, intuition is an impression held in the human mind of some sort of awareness or understanding that has been gained without the employment of conscious perception, conception, or reasoning.  Intuition comes quickly, without warning or notice, and seemingly effortlessly, and brings with it an almost immediate enlightenment.  Indeed, I believe the purpose for intuition is to facilitate enlightenment – a lessening of the heaviness that accompanies so much of our experiences as human beings.  I believe that intuition is a gift to us, and, like Hansel and Gretel’s breadcrumbs, intuition leads us “home” to our Essence – the Love, Spirit, and Wisdom of Creation.  When we can come to understand that Love, Spirit, and Wisdom maybe we can then claim some level of Knowledge of the Truth of Life.

I had originally thought to present these Nine Principles of Spiritual Recovery one at a time.  In each presentation I would state, describe, and explain each Principle, and then provide an opportunity, through guided practice (meditation), to work with the Principle to affect a measure of spiritual recovery.  I still plan to do so.  However, I’ve decided to offer the entire list of Principles with brief descriptions, now, for several reasons.  First, I would like anyone following this project to have a sense of where it is headed and an idea what is coming in future posts.  In addition, I want to present these Nine Principles of Spiritual Recovery as a holistic approach to the recovery of spirituality – the sense of connection to the Creative Life Force and to one’s place and purpose in the All of Creation/Life.  

Further, I want to avoid the perception of these Nine Principles of Spiritual Recovery as a “step” program.  They do not comprise a “step” program in the sense of the now ubiquitous “12-step self-help” approach being used by those seeking recovery from any number of mental health conditions, substance dependence conditions, or problem behavior conditions.  Currently, one can find “12-step programs” for anything from addictions to alcohol, illicit and prescribed drugs, food, and sex, to those aimed at helping compulsive gamblers, over-spenders, child-abusing parents, and “workaholics.”  As a professional drug abuse counselor I understand that these programs may, and often do, help people deal with their addictions and problem behaviors; however, my belief is that the essence of any major self-improvement effort must be the recovery of one’s spirituality.  Once a person who suffers from a mental health condition, substance dependence condition, or problem behavior condition finds an awareness of her or his own spirituality, participation in a “12-step program” may actually help that person to be more successful in maintaining behavioral change. 

One must be aware of her or his spiritual nature in order to feel too valuable to continue to suffer or to self-abuse, and to feel worthy of healing and recovery.  Spiritual recovery – the recovery of one’s spirituality – is the essence of any recovery effort.  My belief is that only through an intentional thoughtful plan for recovery of spiritual awareness can anyone realistically have confidence in her or his chances for recovery from any mental health condition, substance dependence condition, or problem behavior condition.  I also believe that spiritual awareness cannot be recovered in “steps” – it has to be recovered through every means possible at any time that it is possible.  Rather than this effort being a by-product, or even culmination, of any self-help process, I believe the primary focus of “recovery” must be spiritual recovery.  To that end, this set of Nine Principles of Spiritual Recovery is presented as a holistic approach to helping people recover their hidden – but never lost – spirituality.  And even though these Principles are numbered for presentation, each can be worked with at any time, and in no particular order.  In truth, all will likely have to be worked on, at least to some degree, simultaneously.



1.  RECONNECTIONto unite, join or bind together again; to rebuild

“Despite my imperfections, I AM a spiritual person with real relationships
and connections to all of Life.”

2.  REFORMATIONto improve or change to a better state

“The Spirit of Life within me is whole and unbreakable and has the power
and intention to work with me to help me heal, change, and grow –
physically, mentally, and emotionally.”

3.  REAUTHORIZATIONto again be given the power over a situation (i.e., to
     be answerable and accountable for one’s words and deeds)

“I AM responsible and accountable for my feelings, thoughts, beliefs,
and actions, and their effects on myself and others.”

4.  RESOLUTION to make a determination upon a course of action

“I AM responsible for living my life in a positive way to create and maintain good health and happiness.”

5.  RECONCILIATIONto bring into harmony or agreement again; to make
     compatible again

“I AM sorry for any pain and suffering I have brought to others,
and I ask them for their forgiveness.”

6.  REDEMPTIONto atone for or make good or whole again

“I AM grateful to the Spirit of Life for the chance to serve others, and know that through service I may atone and make amends for harm I have done to others.”

7.  RECIPROCATIONto give and receive in a mutually beneficial way

“My intention is to do for others as I want them to do for me and
not to bring pain and suffering to anyone.”

8.  REDEDICATIONto devote oneself again wholly and earnestly, as to some
     person or purpose

“Through service to the Spirit of Life, and all of Life, I will do my best
to live to my fullest potential as a spiritual human being.”

9.  RESTORATIONto return something to a former, original, normal, or
     unimpaired condition

“I accept that I will make mistakes and that I will learn from them,
and I will constantly work with the Spirit of Life
to restore my good health and happiness.”

May you find this information of value.

K.C. Sanborn

Next  Entry:  "RECONNECTION"